I am so glad you decided to drop by. My name is Kylene Bak and I am the mom that was inspired to start this group after meeting some other international moms here in Aalborg. Hope we can meet up soon.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

snow snow snow

i am sitting in our apartment gazing at the blanket of whiteness that keeps falling outside. its funny now its our chance to get blasted with a blizzard. but if you think of it please keep us in your prayers today til saturday because we have about 30 kids coming today for Collision a teen camp we are hosting. pray they arrive safely and that God speaks into their hearts and lives through His Word.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

what i've been thinkin about.....

over the past few months the Emerging Church has become a big discussion in the US but also very much within the baptist church in denmark as a leader model. i am in the process of reading Stories of Emergence: Moving from Absolute to Authentic by various authors. One of them being Tony Jones will be visiting here in March so i will get to hear him personally. i am in the process of thinking things through. So i was hoping if any of you have comments to my latest question i would be oh so glad to hear your thoughts and have a discussion about all this.

How do we convey God's judgement of sin without condemnation?

the red flag i see as of now about bringing these ideas to denmark is that the spiritual foundation is vastly different than that in the US. and even now within the baptist church here there is such a strong message of love that sin is overlooked and not addressed. and even if you mention it you are labeled as being intolerant and judgemental which is not my heart at all but i believe God has shown us a way to live that is best for us and protective.

for example: last weekend there was a meeting about the teen and young adult part of the summer conference for all the baptist churches in denmark. and in that meeting they had to discuss if they should make a rule that guys and girls can sleep in the same tent. the argument for that was if one guy would bring his nonbelieving friend wouldnt he think it was weird that there was a rule like that. one of our girls was in that group and she was the only one along with one other girl that was not in agreement and explained that it sends mixed signals to the christian teens as to what is and isn't acceptable. after some dialogue the groups thoughts were provoked and they did set a rule for the 13-18yr. that they are not allowed to sleep with the opposite sex. but for the young adults there is no boundary.

this is a little insight into the issues we are working through here. where the message of God's love has been so much that sin is just allowed. this is the consequence for not talking about sin. but then i read quotes like this one and a ? comes to my mind.
this is by Mike Yaconelli and his church
"We don't talk about sin very often. In the 12 years since L'Arche, I may have talked about it twice. Do I believe in sin? Of course. Do I believe people are accountable to God for their sin? Absolutely. Do I believe it would be better if people didn't sin? Certainly. But the people who come to Grace Community Church know all about sin. Many of them have lived in it all their lives. It has destroyed their families, their incomes, their futures. They come to church to find out what to do about it. How do they escape the hold sin has on their lives? How do they find a way out of the addiction to sin? How can they find forgiveness and healing--and grace? We don't have to talk about sin. Its a given. What we're all longing for is good news."

when the christians of denmark read this how will they respond? will the church become this group of people who are not experiencing any victory over sin in their lives? i realize none of us are perfect or will be in this life but dont we discredit the power of the resurrection and God transforming us into something new, alive and free?

my heart is not to criticize this movement because i am still tryin to figure out and how far we go "Moving from Absolute to Authentic". would love to hear any thoughts.