I am so glad you decided to drop by. My name is Kylene Bak and I am the mom that was inspired to start this group after meeting some other international moms here in Aalborg. Hope we can meet up soon.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

You Are My Hope

this new song i added has been a huge encouragement to me lately and a reminder that no matter how i might get disappointed with people around me God will never disappoint and that He is our true source of Hope when things seem like a spiritual standstill in the lives of people you are working with.

this morning i was reading in lamentations and wow talk about gaining perspective. let me just give you a glimpse of life in Jeremiahs world suddenly my situation seems much better. here is where Jeremiah is at: "I am the one who has seen the afflictions that come from the rod of the LORD'S anger. He has brought me into deep darkness, shutting out all light. He has turned against me. Day and night his hand is heavy upon me. He has made my skin and flesh grow old. He has broken my bones. He has attacked me and surrounded me with anguish and distress. He has buried me in a dark place, like a person long dead. "this is coming from a guy who warned these people for years that this day of destruction would come. imagine ministering to people that just would not confess their sin, see their need for Gods forgiveness and turn from their sinful ways. how frustrating for jeremiah working amongst such a people as this. even though much suffering had come upon them that still did not get through to their stubborn hearts. so its easy to see why he was so discouraged here. maybe thats how you feel like you are just not getting through to the hearts of those around you, that those people just keep choosing destructive habits to fill the void in their life. or maybe its you maybe you are the one choosing lesser gods that are keeping your heart calloused. God is offering HOPE TO YOU! no matter what the situation HE HAS HOPE TO OFFER YOU, HOPE THAT CAN ONLY COME FROM HIM!

here is what keeps Jeremiah from going off the deep end of his difficult days surrounded by the darkness of sins of rebelliousness and people that keep disappointing him, here is what keeps him going and what will keep us you and me going as well! Praise God that He is our unfailing source of HOPE!

"I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. Yet I still DARE TO HOPE when I remember this:
The unfailing love of the LORD NEVER ENDS! By His mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, "The LORD is my heritance; therefore, I will HOPE IN HIM!

Here are the lyrics to the song You Are My Hope by Skillet
listen to the song on here and let these words sink in!

"You Are My Hope"

Times are hard
Times have changed
Don't you say
But I keep holding on to you
It's hard to keep the faith alive day to day
Leaning on the strength I've found in you
You're the hope of all the Earth

You are my hope
You are my strength
You're everything
Everything I need
You are my hope
You are my life
You are my hope
You are my hope

Far beyond what I can see or comprehend
Etching your eternity in me
Nations stream and angels sing, "Jesus reigns"
And every knee bows down
You're the hope of all the Earth

You are my hope
You are my strength
You're everything
Everything I need
You are my hope
You are my life
You are my hope
You are my hope

Carry on and I sing of how
You love and I love you now
All the times that I start to sink
You come and you rescue me
You are my hope
You are my hope

May your heart be encouraged today because regardless of how you feel God is offering you HOPE!
to hear the song check out my MySpace page.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

a lesson in keeping God first

this is a little exerpt from a book called 31 days of praise. this entry really hit this newlywed in the heart. reminding me of the first and greatest love ever. and that no person can ever take His place or else all goes amok.

"Thank you Lord for the people who are a blessing to me... for family andfriends and neighbors, for little children, for brothers and sisters in Christ, for colleagues and leaders, for pastors and teachers...and for others: our doctor, the postman, the plumber. Thank You for the many ways You use these people to meet my needs, brighten my path, and lighten my load.. to enrich my knowledge of You, and to counsel or correct or nourish me, builiding me up in the faith. How good and how pleasant itis to enjoy rich fellowship with those who love You. Thank You for bringing people into my life!
(this was so true when amanda gaumer came to visit we developed a new sisterhood. as you can see here hugging ronald mcdonald)
Yet Lord I also thank You that even the people I most admire have flaws-that only You are wonderful through and through, with now ugly edges, and that people, even at their best, cannot meet my deepest needs...that at times they misunderstand, they disappoint, they expect too much, or they cant be available when I need them. This makes me even more glad to have You as my best Friend, my wonderful Counselor, my ever-present help in trouble, immediately available around the clock, seven days a week. How wonderful that I belong to You, the pure,unpolluted Source from which all downstream loves flow. So I delights in people here on earth; but first and last I come to You, the only perfect Person, the only ideal Person, the only One whose love is flawless...the only One who is worthy of my highest praise. O God, who is like You? There is none to compare with You!
I thank You for the friends who've failed
To meet my souls deep need
They've driven me to the Savior's feet
Upon His love to feed.

I'm grateful too, through all life's way
No one could satisfy,
And so I've found in You alone
My rich, my full supply!
by Florence White Willett
hope this encourages some of you today!

A work of God

at our teen service this past sunday my heart was overwhelmed by the moving of the holy spirit in my heart. as i sat in the back where students can come to be prayed for but i could not hold back the tears. gazing over the crowd seeing students praising God with everything they had was so encouraging especially after hearing the testimony of a guy that God has truly done and is doing a work in his life. when i first came he was one of the guys who grew up in the church but never wanted to be too christian. but this past summer something changed God really asked him what he was doing about the faith he was proclaiming he had. he is one of those guys who puts on a tough mask but is really thinking through a lot more then he lets on sometimes. this past january he started for the first time to read through the bible which caught me really by surprise. but he has been meeting with kristian and another guy weekly to talk through what they have been reading. sitting in the back of the sanctuary that night i was just overwhelmed with joy as well as shame because sometimes it seems like we dont see any change and i know it shouldnt matter but frankly sometimes it is discouraging. but God by His Spirit ever lovingly humbled me and showed me how wrong i have been and how much He is working even if it is in ways i cannot see. my heart grieved for my lack of faith but it was as if God was saying "stay faithful kylene, keep trusting me, keep waking up every morning and depend on me this is not too big for me". earlier that day another women approached me too sharing her concern for her daughter who seems so hard and prideful that she cant seem to reach her. she came to me asking for advice cause her daughter and i have been getting together on a weekly basis. she too needs to come to a place where she can let her guard down put down the mask and really show her heart. please pray for wisdom for me as we talk together that God would melt her. God is definitely wanting to do something here with her she is such a beautiful, extremely creative and talented young women. but her hard shell makes it difficult for people to see that. i know that i can only trust in God to know what to say and how and when to say things to challenge here thinking. but please pray about this i cant do it on my own. and pray that the enemy would be far from this situation and that i could effectively convey the message of abundant life to her precious heart.

Friday, March 09, 2007

the delight of God

Psalm 37 The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand. Dont be inmpatient for the LORD to act! Travel steadily along his path. He will honor you, giving you the land.

listening to the prayers of some brothers in Christ yesterday really provoked my heart. why wasnt i crying out to God like they were, what happened that my prayers have become so shallow, why is it that i have allowed so many other things to get in the way, why is it that my first thought is not on God when i get out of bed, i remember when this was a reality in my life but lately that has not been true. and its probably the reason the other night i needed to hear God say He loves me through the audible words of Kristian because i was not strong enough to fight off the lies the enemy was trying to feed me. How does this happen how can you know truth in your head and then find it almost impossible to live it out in your life. its when you are not connected. when you are not loving God with all your heart, soul and mind. when you are not focusing all your attention on loving God and loving your neighbor. it happens when you are in the midst of one of the most lost countries in the world and lose sight that God CAN do the impossible and start listening to the deceiver tell you that nothing you are doing matters that your efforts are hopeless and that it will take centuries for God to move in people that are so content because the government provides everything for them that they cant see their need for a Saviour. i can see now just the darkeness that has been surrounding me but there is hope and i praise God for His way of breaking through and reaching down into the water and pulling me out of this floating numbness. its a scary place to be but i am so thankful for using His children to speak truth into my life and once again communicating his immeasurable love for me. about a year ago i had a dream one night that kristian my husband and i were walking in a forest when all of a sudden i found a little pond where all these people were being held under the water. they were alive but had to be set free. so without a thought kristian dove into start freeing all these people and i remember standing on the edge hesitating a bit. but then i jumped in too and starting setting them free. i have never had a dream like this before and i havent since then but lately i think i have been the one that needed to be set free by Gods truth. the truth that God loves me unconditionally just as i am and i can do absolutely NOTHING to make HIM love me more or less. He sent his Son for goodness sake to die so we could be made free. this is what i have been forgetting the awe of the rescuing message of our amazing God. the wonder and amazement that lies in this story. and that we cannot rescue others if we ourselves have not been rescued first. God did the rescuing of our souls first but if we fall back in the water because of choosing to spend time watching tv instead of connecting with our God or choosing to sleep and extra hour instead of getting up and taking a walk or run outside with God, or looking to our friends, boyfriends, husbands,wives to fill that soul connection we are longing for that is when we become just like all the others waiting to be set free in the pond. This is why today I am praising God for the truth from Psalm 37 That though we stumble we will not fall for the LORD holds them by the hand. He is the one who lifts us out of the water to new life in Him. He never lets go of us. And that if we are loving God He will direct every step and DELIGHT IN EVERY DETAIL OF OUR LIVES. In Him my heart delights. Period

the delight of God

Psalm 37 The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand. Dont be inmpatient for the LORD to act! Travel steadily along his path. He will honor you, giving you the land.

listening to the prayers of some brothers in Christ yesterday really provoked my heart. why wasnt i crying out to God like they were, what happened that my prayers have become so shallow, why is it that i have allowed so many other things to get in the way, why is it that my first thought is not on God when i get out of bed, i remember when this was a reality in my life but lately that has not been true. and its probably the reason the other night i needed to hear God say He loves me through the audible words of Kristian because i was not strong enough to fight off the lies the enemy was trying to feed me. How does this happen how can you know truth in your head and then find it almost impossible to live it out in your life. its when you are not connected. when you are not loving God with all your heart, soul and mind. when you are not focusing all your attention on loving God and loving your neighbor. it happens when you are in the midst of one of the most lost countries in the world and lose sight that God CAN do the impossible and start listening to the deceiver tell you that nothing you are doing matters that your efforts are hopeless and that it will take centuries for God to move in people that are so content because the government provides everything for them that they cant see their need for a Saviour. i can see now just the darkeness that has been surrounding me but there is hope and i praise God for His way of breaking through and reaching down into the water and pulling me out of this floating numbness. its a scary place to be but i am so thankful for using His children to speak truth into my life and once again communicating his immeasurable love for me. about a year ago i had a dream one night that kristian my husband and i were walking in a forest when all of a sudden i found a little pond where all these people were being held under the water. they were alive but had to be set free. so without a thought kristian dove into start freeing all these people and i remember standing on the edge hesitating a bit. but then i jumped in too and starting setting them free. i have never had a dream like this before and i havent since then but lately i think i have been the one that needed to be set free by Gods truth. the truth that God loves me unconditionally just as i am and i can do absolutely NOTHING to make HIM love me more or less. He sent his Son for goodness sake to die so we could be made free. this is what i have been forgetting the awe of the rescuing message of our amazing God. the wonder and amazement that lies in this story. and that we cannot rescue others if we ourselves have not been rescued first. God did the rescuing of our souls first but if we fall back in the water because of choosing to spend time watching tv instead of connecting with our God or choosing to sleep and extra hour instead of getting up and taking a walk or run outside with God, or looking to our friends, boyfriends, husbands,wives to fill that soul connection we are longing for that is when we become just like all the others waiting to be set free in the pond. This is why today I am praising God for the truth from Psalm 37 That though we stumble we will not fall for the LORD holds them by the hand. He is the one who lifts us out of the water to new life in Him. He never lets go of us. And that if we are loving God He will direct every step and DELIGHT IN EVERY DETAIL OF OUR LIVES. In Him my heart delights. Period