I am so glad you decided to drop by. My name is Kylene Bak and I am the mom that was inspired to start this group after meeting some other international moms here in Aalborg. Hope we can meet up soon.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

On Being a New Momma

There are so many things I could say up to this point after being a Mom for almost five months. It is hard to believe our little Lily Hadassa will be five months old this month. There are so many things I have learned up til now but that will come later. I am taking up the blogging again after a break. They might be short entries as my time is not my own anymore. But that is ok because it never really was anyway it was God's. I am not sure who if any will read this but my hope is that somehow there will be some who will also share their stories about being a woman striving to live counter culturally, ministering in a different country, mothering, mentoring younger women,living life with an eternal perspective, cooking and baking recipes, travelling with a baby across the atlantic. Just to name a few of the possible conversations that could happen. I hope you will take part in the journey with me.

Just a little thought from last night. I went into our first child Lily's room to find her asleep yet crying in her sleep. She seemed scared but without really being awake. I began to pray over her and finally she calmed down and went back to sleep. This has never happened before and it made me think about the importance of praying over and for our children. When she is sleeping is the time that i find moments to pray for her life. That she will be a girl of God, that the Spirit of God will move in her heart and bring her to repentance and salvation, that Kristian and I would have the wisdom to parent her and know how to develop her gifts, encourage her according to her own love language and for the man that will be her husband some day. But I need to also remember to pray for the here and now as well with her. Like the trip we will be taking in Sept. to fly to the States and visit my family. I am so thankful that we can come to our Father at anytime with anything and cry out to Him. It is like a message I heard where he was taking about coming to God like a child. A baby can only communicate through crying. Lily can only cry when she needs something to eat, has her diaper on the wrong way, is tired or just wants to spend some face time with us. But that is also how we need to come to God to cry out to him when we need Him. I am so thankful that we can cry out to Him at anytime He just wants me to be quiet enough to hear His voice.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

gobbs - I don't match your criteria starting with I'm a man. But, I read your post. So maybe that will encourage you. I have learned so much about God while looking at Him through the lens of a parent. You have many more revelations to come. Grace & peace.