I am so glad you decided to drop by. My name is Kylene Bak and I am the mom that was inspired to start this group after meeting some other international moms here in Aalborg. Hope we can meet up soon.

Friday, May 12, 2006

spring cleaning and the sort

today is a holiday in Denmark so no school, or work. the sun is shining briliantly around. Johnny Cash is singing about the house of worship in folsom prison and how God has a place there. i just love johnny cash. and lee, kasper and kristian are moving around and reorganizing their apartment. we had to take pictures of this because this was the first time i have seen all these guys in this bachelor pad clean together. what a sight! but it got me to thinking how its good to mix things up sometimes in our lives and change things around by simply moving furniture, taking a back road home from work, ordering the new drink at starbucks versus the regular toffee nut latte, something to mix up the ordinary routine. sometimes i need to be reminded of that in my time with God too. its so easy to get stuck in a rut and not move, change or grow. but what a blessing He puts people in our life to make us think or in relationships that remind you constantly how selfish we can be sometimes. do you have need to stir things up a bit, get out of the ordinary, move the furniture, talk a walk with God, do something today to keep your relationships with God and the people you love the most FRESH!

A little update on me. this week we got our wedding rings from Isreal. We decided we wanted something truly unique. So we had the verse from Ecc. A three cord strand is not easily broken, enscribed on the outside of our rings. They are so beautiful. And today on the day off i just finished printing our invitaitons so now its off to work on putting them together. So little by little things are coming together. Last night I had one of the girls over to my house for dinner, it was really cozy to have some good conversation with her. She really needs some prayer though and wisdom how to relate to her mom who has some psychological problems. And one other thing please keep praying for Kristian to find a job where God would give him opportunities to make a differencea and help support us. He is getting a little tired now of the waiting but pray for perserverance for him through this waiting time.
ya all have a great day

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